Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Taliban infighting in Waziristan leaves 16 dead

The fighting between the Shehryar Mehsud-led Hakimullah group and Waliur Rahman group led by Khan Said aka Sajna, erupted in the mountainous Shawal tehsil, a security official said.

“Fighters from the two sides are using heavy weapons against each other,” the official stressed, adding that frightened tribesmen have shut themselves up in their houses as the area has echoed with gunfire and rocket explosions.

According to independent sources, 16 militants, both sides confounded have been killed in the clashes.

Sources noted that local tribal elders have swung into action as to broker a ceasefire in between the two factions in the hope to restore a resemblance of stability to the region and prevent further bloodshed. “They also came under fire multiple times,” local sources revealed.

The fighting first erupted in South Waziristan in the first week of April, and soon spread to North Waziristan and Tank district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Several fighters from both sides were killed before leaders from the Taliban of Afghanistan could broker a ceasefire.

Although a truce was negotiated, hostilities resumed about a week ago after senior commander of Waliur Rahman group, Amir Hamza, along with six of his colleagues was killed in a roadside blast which was blamed on the Hakimullah group.

Four days ago the deputy chief of Hakimullah group was shot dead by gunmen in Miramshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan Agency. Waliur Rahman group was blamed for the killing and fighting subsequently broke out between the two rival factions.

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