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Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Iraq- The need to transform the National Alliance into an effective institution

In a statement the Supreme Council noted that at this particular juncture Iraq should work to build an effective political cooperation in order to prevent collapse and move the country out of its current crisis.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has begun his bid for a third term, following the April 30 parliamentary elections in which his State of Law coalition swept 93 seats, topping the polls.

Kurdish, Shiite, and Sunni blocs are opposed to a third term for the Shiite premier, which will open the gates for exhaustive and extended negotiations that might last for months, in a country already suffering from terrorism and political crises. The way ahead for a possible third term for Maliki is littered with obstacles, according to analysts, MPs, politicians and observers.

“There are many obstacles that will hinder Maliki becoming prime minister for a third term,” said analyst Muhammad al-Faisal. “There is a long list of alternatives for Maliki’s bloc, since he lost the support of the Shiite religious institutions and the National Coalition.”

Liqa Wardi, MP for the United for Reform coalition, said: "Our coalition is standing against Maliki's nomination for a third term." 

“We are ready to form an alliance with any political bloc in line with our government programs, provided that the government does not boil down to one person, and what we categorically reject is Maliki's nomination for premiership again,” Wardi said.

"It is possible to negotiate as a bloc with the State of Law, provided that Maliki is excluded from power," she added. “Maliki reneged on all the previous covenants and conventions, therefore we cannot grant him confidence again."

Iraqi Sunni political forces and religious bodies are currently discussing an agreement on a new structure, which combines the winning blocs in the last parliamentary elections, to declare a Sunni alliance. It will be called "The Sunni House" or "The Iraqi Alliance," to be synonymous with the Shiite and Kurdish alliances.

In a statement to the press, Hakim al-Zamili, member of the parliament for the al-Ahrar bloc of the Sadrist Movement, said: "The specifications that will be outlined for the next prime minister will determine who can be given this position. In case Maliki meets those specifications, then no one would stand in his way.”

"There is a national will for an overall change that rejects the policies of imposition and dictation by any one party to the rest of the parties in the National Alliance," Zamili said.

The leaders of the Shiite political forces formed a committee of eight, which includes members of the State of Law, the Sadrists, and the Islamic Supreme Council.  Its mission is to restructure the Shiite Coalition and determine the mechanisms by which an internal system will be selected and the next prime minister nominated. But they disagree on the mechanism due to disagreements with Maliki.

Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

بالفيديو: "داعش" تعدم طفل رمياً بالرصاص بدير الزور

وأشار النشطاء وفقاٌ لموقع فيتو إلى أن داعش وقعت عقوبة الرمي بالرصاص على الطفل السوري لاتهامه بحادث سرقة.

ويسيطر تنظيم "داعش" التكفيري على مدينة دير الزور السورية وسط تناحر بينه وبين بقية المجموعات المسلحة وتنافسهم على النفوذ على 

ترور اهل تسنن؛ دستور ویژه جاسوسان وهابی عربستان به داعش

به گزارش اسلام تایمز، مقامات عراقی روزگذشته فاش کردند؛ به نامه هایی دست یافته اند که این نامه ها متعلق به دستگاه جاسوسی عربستان است.

در این نامه ها که از سوی دستگاه جاسوسی عربستان خطاب به گروه تروریستی موسوم به دولت اسلامی در عراق و شام (داعش) تنظیم شده است، برای کشتار و ترور (به تعبیر خودشان) اهل تسنن میانه رو دستور داده شد.

به گفته مقامات امنیتی ریاض این نامه پرده از آن بر می دارد که عربستان به حمایت خود از تروریستهای داعش در حالیکه این گروه تحت حمایت قطر و ترکیه قرار دارد، افزوده است.

تلویزیون عراق به نقل از "اسکندر وتوت" نایب رئیس کمیسیون امنیت و دفاع پارلمان عراق اعلام کرد: گروههای تروریستی و به ویژه دو گروه تروریستی داعش و القاعده سلاح های ساخت رژیم صهیونیستی در اختیار دارند که از طریق خاک سوریه و ترکیه به دست آنان رسیده است. 

وی همچنین در ادامه عربستان، قطر و ترکیه را به حمایت مالی و تسلیحاتی از تروریستها با هدف به شکست کشاندن روند فعالیت های سیاسی عراق متهم کرده است.

این مقام امنیتی عراق در ادامه افزود: از جمله اسناد و مدارکی که نیروهای عراقی به آن دست یافته اند، ابزار و آلات نظامی، و خودروهایی با شماره های اردنی و عربستانی در فلوجه بوده است.

US warships enter Mediterranean Sea

The amphibious assault ship USS Bataan, which carries a Marine Expeditionary Unit of about a thousand troops, had been participating in the Jordanian-led multinational military exercise Eager Lion before heading into the Mediterranean, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Bataan will increase the US crisis response force already in the region.

Earlier this month, US officials said about 250 Marines plus several tilt-rotor Osprey aircraft, normally based in Spain, were at Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily in case they were needed to evacuate Americans from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli during unrest there.

The United States has several hundred Marines in Moron, Spain, and temporarily moved a team of about 175 to a base in Romania in April to enhance its ability to respond to events in Africa.

The Marines based out of Moron are part of a crisis response unit focused on embassy security that was created after the attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

US military officials did not say where the USS Bataan was located in the Mediterranean, but one dismissed reports that it was near the Libyan coast, saying it had only passed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia retaliates against Hezbollah’s financial interests

Reports indicate that the Saudi Ministry of Interior asked government institutions to refrain from giving visas to foreign merchants and denied a Lebanese investor a license due to his alleged affiliation with the Shiite organization. 

Saudi Arabia retaliates against Hezbollah’s financial interests
The Gulf States approved of the sanctions last November, based on Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria.

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Taliban infighting in Waziristan leaves 16 dead

The fighting between the Shehryar Mehsud-led Hakimullah group and Waliur Rahman group led by Khan Said aka Sajna, erupted in the mountainous Shawal tehsil, a security official said.

“Fighters from the two sides are using heavy weapons against each other,” the official stressed, adding that frightened tribesmen have shut themselves up in their houses as the area has echoed with gunfire and rocket explosions.

According to independent sources, 16 militants, both sides confounded have been killed in the clashes.

Sources noted that local tribal elders have swung into action as to broker a ceasefire in between the two factions in the hope to restore a resemblance of stability to the region and prevent further bloodshed. “They also came under fire multiple times,” local sources revealed.

The fighting first erupted in South Waziristan in the first week of April, and soon spread to North Waziristan and Tank district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Several fighters from both sides were killed before leaders from the Taliban of Afghanistan could broker a ceasefire.

Although a truce was negotiated, hostilities resumed about a week ago after senior commander of Waliur Rahman group, Amir Hamza, along with six of his colleagues was killed in a roadside blast which was blamed on the Hakimullah group.

Four days ago the deputy chief of Hakimullah group was shot dead by gunmen in Miramshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan Agency. Waliur Rahman group was blamed for the killing and fighting subsequently broke out between the two rival factions.

Six Afghan pres. candidates reject partial results

On Sunday, the country's Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced that with 10 percent of the ballots counted, "Dr. Abdullah is leading with 41.9 percent; Dr. Ashraf Ghani has 37.6 percent and is in second; and Zalmai Rassoul has 9.8 percent in third position."

The IEC said the front-runner could easily change as counting continues in the coming days.

Following the announcement, the candidates rejected the results and called for an investigation into the allegations of fraud in the polls.

Possible electoral fraud remains an important concern, but the country's election complaints commission said it would take weeks before it rules on the issue.

The UN has appealed for calm until the vote count ends. The counting of votes will continue until April 20 with results expected on 24.

IEC authorities said unless there is an outright winner with more than 50 percent of the vote, there will be a run-off between the two leading candidates at the end of May.

The election came ahead of the planned 2014 withdrawal of US-led foreign troops from Afghanistan.

Violence continues to plague Afghanistan despite the presence of thousands of foreign forces, more than 12 years after the US-led invasion of the country in 2001.

US exit from Afghanistan concerns CIA

The New York Times reported Sunday that the agencies could lose their bases used for drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan if Karzai doesn’t sign the agreement, which would allow presence of thousands of American troops in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 withdrawal deadline.

The new concerns reflect how US troop levels in Afghanistan directly affect long-term American security interests in neighboring Pakistan, the newspapers said, citing administration, military and intelligence officials.

The Obama administration has already organized a team of intelligence, military and policy specialists to devise alternatives to reduce the damage if their attempt to reach the deal fails.

American officials say the agreement was completed last year, and has urged Karzai to enact it as soon as possible. But the Afghan president set out conditions for Washington, including the US military must first end its deadly drone strikes and night raids on Afghan homes, which have left hundreds of civilians dead.

US President Barack Obama has threatened to withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan if the deal is not struck. In that case, the CIA’s drone bases in the country would have to be closed, according to administration officials, because it could no longer be protected, the Times said.

American intelligence agencies say the nearest alternative bases are too far away for drones to reach the mountainous territory in Pakistan, where the CIA claims is a hideout for militants.

The Pakistani government also is unhappy with the US drone operations saying the strikes kill local civilians.

According to the Times, the American agencies are also concerned that the nearest alternative bases would be too distant to monitor and respond as quickly as American forces can today if there were a crisis in the region, such as missing nuclear material or weapons in Pakistan and India.

Anger in the streets of Bahrain over the death of teenager

Anger in the streets of Bahrain over the death of teenager
The young man who never posed a threat to anyone or harmed anyone was mercilessly gunned down by police, in complete and utter violation of human rights and international conventions.

Demonstrators could be seen carrying banners and posters calling for the toppling of the regime, calling for justice and retributions. Saddened, angered, Bahrainis men and women came together to mourn the death of their youth on Thursday, all having vowed to stand string before adversity.

Al Wefaq – main party of the opposition – already condemned the regime for such murderous act, warning that peace and stability would never be won through terror.

National Democratic Assemblage slams Britain for collaboration with Bahrain regime

The NDA, which has been supporting Bahrainis’ efforts and calls for political reforms, has strongly criticized the British government for its refusal to grant Issa Haider asylum when he risks being tortured and maybe killed upon his return to Bahrain.

Despite Haider’s calls to be issued political asylum, Britain attempted to have him deported back this past Thursday, prompting both activists and politicians' outcries of anger.

The NDA urged Britain to respect international law and human decency and refrain from supporting the murderous regime of Al Khalifa.

Four years into the peaceful revolutionary movement and Bahrain regime continued to ferociously crackdown on politicians, religious figures and activists.

Iran can stand strong in the face of adversity

“The Iranian nation has chosen the correct path and will continue moving in its way and the majority of the world nations support this nation,” Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing a graduation ceremony for the cadets from the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Imam Hossein University on Wednesday.

The Leader made it clear that the world’s bullying powers are using nuclear and human rights issues as excuses to level charges against the Islamic Republic in a bid to mount pressure on the Iranian nation.

“By (resorting to) these excuses and pressures, they (arrogant powers) are trying to dissuade the Iranian nation from withstanding their language of force and bullying, but this will never happen,” Imam Khamenei stressed.

The Supreme Leader then made a reference to Iran’s progress through self-reliance, and underlined, “The Iranian nation has proved its capabilities in different arenas, and has demonstrated that it is also possible to achieve scientific and social progress and international influence and political dignity without relying on the US.”

Imam Khamenei explained that the Islamic Revolution of 1979 has encouraged the Iranian nation to stand up to the hegemonic powers’ “disgusting and nasty habit” of dividing the world into two groups, namely those which exercise hegemonic tactics and those which surrender to the hegemonic powers.

Such resistance by Iran has infuriated the international bullying powers, primarily the US, the Leader noted.

In relevant comments on May 13, Ayatollah Khamenei had reiterated that the Iranian nation will never give in to pressures of the US and other world powers.

“The (world) powers should know that the Iranian nation will not be brought to its knees, because it is a lively nation, and the youth of the country are moving ahead in the right direction,” the Leader said at the time, adding that reliance on domestic potentials to achieve scientific progress is key to withstanding the foreign pressures.

US says will deny airspace to Iran MPs plane: Lawmaker

“The delegation was scheduled to travel to Venezuela and Cuba today; but, the Americans have notified the Aeroflot airline (which was scheduled to provide the transport service to the Iranian delegation) that they will not allow the plane to pass through US skies,” said Chairman of Iran’s Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi on Sunday.

“The time of the trip is not set yet, but Majlis is looking for an appropriate way to send the delegation to those countries,” explained Boroujerdi, who heads the parliamentary delegation.

Boroujerdi had earlier said that the planned trip was aimed at enhancing Iran’s relations with the Latin American countries.

Iran's Leader says not optimistic about N-talks, not opposed either

“The perception of some officials of the former administration and also the present administration is that if we negotiate with the US on the nuclear issue, the problem will be solved. Due to their insistence on negotiations over the nuclear issue, I said I’m not opposed either, but at that time I said that I’m not optimistic,” he said in an address to a gathering of thousands of people from the northwestern city of Tabriz on Monday.

The gathering was held in Tehran to mark the anniversary of the 1978 uprising of the people of Tabriz against the US-backed Pahlavi rule.

Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran will never capitulate to the global hegemony's bullying tactics and dismissed attempts to portray the US government as caring and humanitarian as “futile.”

Who was Lt. Gen. Hussein Ayoub Ishaq?

The officer, Lt. Gen. Hussein Ayoub Ishaq, one of the highest-ranking officers to die during the country’s three-year conflict, commanded 60,000 troops in Syria’s air defense forces, said Hisham Jabber, a retired Lebanese Army brigadier general who closely follows the military in neighboring Syria. But it was unclear what impact General Ishaq’s death would have on the battlefield, given that Syrian opposition fighters possess no aircraft, General Jabber added.

“Will this have any effect on the military operation? No,” he said, noting that such officers usually groom a successor. “It could have an effect on morale, but in the field there are many officers who can take his place.”

General Ishaq died of injuries sustained on Saturday in Mleha, a district on the outskirts of Damascus where there have been intense battles in recent weeks, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a group based in Britain that monitors the conflict with a network of contacts inside Syria. Syria’s state news agency did not immediately report the death.

General Jabber said it was unclear how General Ishaq had been wounded. He surmised that the officer had been helping direct the battle in the area from an operations room rather than leading a fighting formation on the ground, and that he could have been hit by a mortar shell, by a rocket or in an ambush.

Insurgents have attacked many of the antiaircraft batteries around Damascus, in part to seize weapons that they could use against government warplanes that have bombed rebel-held areas. The government has been seeking to clear insurgents from the suburbs ringing Damascus and has called many of its most respected officers and elite units to battles there.

Four of the country’s most senior security officials were killed in an explosion in Damascus in the summer of 2012, and a few other top-ranking officers have died, most recently Hilal al-Assad, a cousin of President Bashar al-Assad’s who commanded the pro-government militias known as the National Defense Forces. But the high-profile deaths have not typically shifted the tide of battle.

Government forces have made advances lately in central Syria while insurgents keep up pressure in the north, east and south, leaving the conflict far from a military resolution even as efforts to reach a political settlement falter.

Before commanding the air defense forces and running an air-defense academy in the northern city of Aleppo, General Ishaq was a fighter pilot who shot down an Israeli jet during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982, a rare accomplishment for the outgunned Syrian Air Force, which lost many planes for everyone it shot down, General Jabber and others said.

“General Ishaq was given the honorary rank of lieutenant general after his death, General Jabber said. The only living Syrian to hold that rank is President Assad, who is also the general commander of the armed forces. Lieutenant general is the highest rank in the Syrian Army because it was the rank of Assad’s father and predecessor as president, Hafez, and no one can outrank him,” General Jabber said.

General Ishaq had been an officer in the elite Republican Guard and had good relations with Assad and a good reputation in the military, according to Syrians with contacts in the security forces. He was a member of the Sunni majority, one of many high-ranking Sunnis in a military pitted against a Sunni-led uprising, they said.

Daash seeks revenge against Zahran Aloush

Daash issued a warning statement against Aloush in which its leadership stressed that whoever would attempt to act or replace Al Baghdadi will know sorrow and pain.

Militias linked to Al Qaeda in Syria have splintered into a myriad of sub-groups over the past months, all competing against each other. Such opposition has created layers upon layers of frictions, tensions and changing allegiances, adding complication to an already impossible situation.

The Brigade of Islam is a sub-group of Al Nusra Front, itself a faction opposed to Daash.

The Islamic State group, known as ISIL or ISIS, wants to control Deir al-Zor, the energy-rich province bordering Iraq, and suppress the Al Qaida-linked Nusra Front. The current effort could mark a comeback of sorts for the group, whose long time aim of controlling parts of Syria and Iraq was undermined by a major January offensive by rival Islamist rebels.

Since February, ISIL has deployed 3,000 fighters to Deir al-Zor, many of them Europeans, Tunisians and Saudis.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz warns Hezbollah

Gants explained that for the past 29 months troops had trained and observed Hezbollah as to best evaluate their military response.

Gantz said that the relative quiet being felt in Israel on the security front in recent years "is a "deceptive illusion." He stressed the IDF would continue to be prepared to defend itself against any Arab aggression.

Israeli officials in secret Cairo visit

According to the well-placed official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the delegation boarded a private plane which took off from Tel Aviv. They were welcomed at Cairo International Airport by Egyptian general intelligence officers.

The Egyptian authorities have not made any public announcements about what the source described as a "secret mission."

The official said the visiting Israeli officials would meet with their counterparts in the Egyptian foreign ministry and general intelligence service. They were expected to ask the Egyptians to help the new Israeli ambassador to Egypt with his daily operations.

They will also discuss mutual relations with Egypt and cooperation between both countries over security arrangements in the Sinai Peninsula, the source highlighted.

On Sunday, unidentified gunmen shot and killed an Egyptian soldier and injured another in the northern Sinai Peninsula, army sources said.

Egyptian military sources told Ma'an that unidentified gunmen opened fire at a group of soldiers in al-Joura village near Sheikh Zuweid, killing one and critically injuring another.

The soldiers fired back and the gunmen fled the scene, the sources said.

The injured soldier was taken to a military hospital in el-Arish.

Egyptian armed forces launched large scale military action against militants in the Sinai Peninsula in September, in what officials have described as the largest mobilization of force in the area since the 1973 war with Israel.

The military action comes in the wake of rising instability and almost daily attacks in the region, following a July coup by the Egyptian military which unseated President Mohammad Morsi.

Since then, Muslim Brotherhood activists have held weekly demonstrations in protest against the coup, while the army has consolidated its grip on power and violently repressed protests against its rule, killing around 1,400 according to Amnesty International.

At the same time, Wahhabi militant groups have stepped up a violent campaign of attacks against the government, particularly in the Sinai Peninsula.

Netanyahu to Hagel: “Don’t Let Ayatollahs Win

"I think that, while the talks with Iran are going on, there is one thing that must guide the international community and that is not to let the ayatollahs win," Netanyahu's office quoted him as saying at the beginning of their meeting in Jerusalem.

"We must not allow Iran, the foremost terrorist state of our time, to develop the ability to develop a nuclear weapon," Netanyahu said.

Hagel said that Washington had the same goal.

"I want to assure you prime minister, and the people of Israel, of the United States' continued commitment to assuring Iran does not get a nuclear weapon," he said in video distributed by the US embassy.

"America will do what we must to live up to that commitment," he added.

The Pentagon chief's visit to the Zionist entity came as the United States and other major powers pressed talks with Iran on a long-term agreement to allay international concerns about its nuclear ambitions.

Iran confirms its program is for peaceful ends only insisting that is its right under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) while Israel, which is believed to be the sole nuclear power in the Middle East with more than 200 nuclear heads, is not a signatory for this treaty. 

S. Nasrallah: Hezbollah, Syria Will Certainly Defeat Israeli-Terrorist Project

During the festival which marked Resistance and Liberation Day in Bint Jbeil, southern Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that May 25 victory has glorious and historical meanings and indications, including mainly the fall of the 'Greater Israel' project.

"The repercussions of the victory still exist in Lebanon, Palestine, the Zionist entity and the region," he added.

"Without May 25 victory, we would not have witnessed victories which followed as it the paved the way to their occurrence."

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that May 25 victory is a Lebanese, Arab, and national, adding that no one can reduce it so that it becomes partisan or sectarian.

"It is the nation's victory against the Zionist project."

Sayyed Nasrallah praised and glorified the enormous sacrifices of the Lebanese offered their families, money as well as security and those of all the factions of the resistance as well as the Lebanese army.

Sayyed Nasrallah also appreciated the role of the Syrian army and the Palestinian factions in attaining the victory.

"We have to foster the culture of the hope for the future and the trust in God, victory, and in our people," Sayyed Nasrallah said, "This culture, will and intention enabled us to attain all the victories, including May 2000, withdrawal of Israeli occupation troops from Gaza in 2005, 2006 victory, 2008 Gaza immovability against Israeli aggressions, despite the Israeli military power and superiority."

Commenting on the moral and cultural essence of Hezbollah 2000 victory, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that the party presented a great Islamic sample, different from that displayed by the terrorist groups in Syria.

"Unfortunately,  today they are consolidating the idea of linking Islam to murdering, slaughtering, digging tombs, destroying shrines, and issuing death sentences due to political differences. This linkage is a crime against Islam and betrayal.

"Thousands of Hezbollah fighters entered in 2000 the liberated territories where different sects as well as political factions live, and despite the fact that some of the residents there were involved in betrayal in the south and the western Bekaa, all can remember how the souls and the worship places were saved," his eminence underscored, "This is the Islamic resistance sample of tolerance which is derived from the teachings of Islam." 

Hezbollah Sticks to Resistance-Army-People Golden Formula
Hezbollah leader highlighted that the party sticks to the Resistance-Army-People golden formula and that despite the regional developments the resistance has preserved and improved its deterrence power, what concerns the Israeli enemy.

Sayyed Nasrallah said that due to the Israeli military superiority, the government has to adopt this strategy to protect the country against any possible Israeli aggressions, pointing out the importance of the role of the Lebanese army.

His eminence added that the Israeli violations at the Lebanese-Palestinian borders have been escalated and that they show the Israeli annoyance and fear of the Lebanese daily life activities at the borders.

Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that Hezbollah will not prevent the Israeli enemy from consecrating the violations and that the party will not accept any Zionist aggression against the Lebanese citizens at the borders.

Syrian Cause
Hezbollah Secretary General stressed that the events in the last year in Syria prove the propriety of its stances regarding the crisis.

"Hezbollah supports the Syria for its role in standing by the Lebanese and the Palestinian resistance factions against the Zionist project in the region, wondering how the party cannot defend its strengths while the Zionist settlers come from all over the world to occupy Palestine for the sake of their myths.

The Western project is completely exposed as it aims at dividing Syria militant parts (each part refers to a militant group), pointing that those countries have brought the terrorists from all over the world and provided them with all the political and financial support so that they (terrorists) destroy Syria and the axis of resistance that threaten the Zionist entity.

"The West employed these terrorists to threaten Syria, yet it discovered that Syria and the resistance have not fallen and that these groups have started to pose a great danger which threatens the European security."

Sayyed Nasrallah added that the Israeli role in Syria have been also exposed as the entity has political connections with the opposition figures and provides the terrorist groups with logistic and military support.

His eminence pointed out that the terrorist groups in Syria, which pose a grave danger to the regional countries, are trying to ban the Syrians from participating in the presidential elections.

Hezbollah leader, however, asserted that the battlefield achievement of the Syrian army and its allies will completely defeat the terrorist project.

Sayyed Nasrallah considered that the war against Syria is a new version of 2006 war against the axis of resistance in the context of the "New Middle East" project, asserting that Syria as well as its allies will defeat this project and will not let it survive.

There will be a time when everyone, including the countries which backed the terrorist groups, will thank Syria for its steadfastness that protected the region and the world from the terrorist atrocities.  

Lebanese Presidential Elections
Hezbollah Secretary general announced that the party endorses electing a new president soon and called on all the Lebanese political factions to facilitate the democratic process and to preserve the national security.

Sayyed Nasrallah revealed that March 14 challenge candidacy aimed at preventing any serious candidate from running for the elections, accusing the team of trying to extend the term of president Michel Sleiman.

Sayyed Nasrallah also said that there is still a chance to elect a new president, adding that Hezbollah does not a require a president who defends the resistance, yet a president who does not back stabs it or conspire against it.

"Hezbollah defends the people, the state and the whole country," he affirmed.

"Hezbollah trusts its capabilities and will always encounter all challenges in order to keep victorious, despite the Israeli threats," Sayyed Nasrallah concluded.

Hezbollah’s victory against Zionist powers

As Lebanon stood powerless before the evil of Israel, a group of men came together to oppose the rise of tyranny, to prevent Zionists form advancing any further into Lebanon: the Hezbollah was born.

Following decades of humiliation and fear, Lebanon’s pride was reborn in the Hezbollah; the nation has finally found its heroes.

But if Hezbollah’s victories have been many and grand, the threat which Israel poses remains very real indeed. 

This Sunday Lebanon will gather to celebrate the 14th anniversary of Liberation Day, a day which still echoes from Lebanon and Palestine’s victory cries. 

On May 22, 2000, the Israeli regime began to pull out its forces from south Lebanon and the Western Bekaa area after more than two decades of occupation. During the next three days, the regime increased the speed of withdrawal as they came under the fire of Hezbollah’s resistance movement. 

The liberation was seen by all Lebanese as a proof of years of popular resistance against Israeli occupation which began in 1978. 

Hezbollah’s protracted war of attrition against Israeli occupiers had put Israeli authorities under great pressure to leave Lebanon. 

People consider May 25 as a beginning of dramatic changes in the region. 

The Lebanese have commemorated the day as a national holiday and seen it as a transformation that changed the regional equations for good, and put an end to the invincibility myth of the Israeli army. 

Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif sent a cable to his Lebanese counterpart Jebran Bassil and another to Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to congratulate them on the occasion of Liberation Day.

"This is a historical victory that was achieved as a result of cohesion between the Lebanese of all sects and political parties, and thanks to the efforts of the resistance's heroes,” Zarif said in the letter to Bassil.

He continued: “It is a turning point in Lebanon's modern history which promises more victories and achievements against the occupying Zionist entity.”

And in his letter to Nasrallah, the Iranian FM considered that this “historic saga will keep reminding people of the Lebanese and the fighters' sacrifices, especially of those who are keen on preserving the resistance.

Israeli Cmdr.: Hezbollah’s Arsenal Won’t Shame any Army in the World

In an annual military conference entitled “Combat Conference”, Har-Even displayed the Operations Division’s view to future wars and challenges, and the Zionist army’s readiness to confront it.

He indicated that Hezbollah have experienced immense growth - including intensification of weapons and military capabilities. “Hezbollah, in particular, is now a semi-state run paramilitary organization.”

“Today Hezbollah's arsenal would not shame any army in the world,” he said, noting both ‘their weapons’ quantity and accuracy.’

He continued by saying that the Syrian crisis helped them in this regard. “They are conducting a battlefield trial in Syria that is not going too badly.”

The Operations Head stated that the IOF is prepared for war and is ready to deal with the prospect of fighting “terrorist organizations” operating throughout urban landscapes.

“Enemy All Around US”

He claimed that the most significant change in the battlefield lies in the fact that ‘Israel’ is an "island of stability" and the fact that the countries bordering the entity suffer from low governance.

“All countries bordering Israel now are characterized by low governance,” he said. He cited ‘conflict countries’ as “Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt in some ways, despite improvement, even though they now have the ability to exercise sovereignty and governance and enforce what they want including in the Sinai” and noted that all of them are “problematic.”

“We live today in duality: on the one hand terrorists exercise power for the sake of having power, and operate the execution of an ideological agenda from small groups - but on the other, they have much more capabilities now and are growing much larger,” he said.

The weakness of governance throughout the Middle East, he said, has also led to the development of ‘global jihad organizations’ which are based in the region, which present the IOF with the challenge of rooting out organizations that have a "lower profile."

“The enemy is all around us,” the Operations Head stated. “They have realized that they could not achieve what it wants via the forms that have characterized it in recent years so they changed strategy - conquering land, to take warfare right to the home front, to establish a greater rear.”

Har-Even called the change an "investment in conflict" that ultimately escalates the power and quality of a ‘terrorist organization's arsenal’. As a result, he said, ‘terror organizations’ have put warfare at the home front - and established resource reserves far away from actual fighting.

Daash militants to shift focus to Saudi Arabia

According to the newspaper ‘The Middle East’, through an account on ‘Twitter’ social networking website under the name ‘Saudi mothers and wives of fighters of Daash’, the women threatened that they will assassinate number of individuals in Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Kuwait including Sheikh Adnan Shafi Al-Ajmi and Adnan Al- Arour for supporting Al-Nusra Front. In a related development, the human rights activist Dr Ghanim Al-Najjar declared that the Bedoun detainee Abdulaziz Al-Enezi will return to the country after spending nearly six years in prison in Bagram, Afghanistan. In his account on Twitter website, Al-Najjar said Al-Enezi was captured in Afghanistan in 2008 and his return would not have been possible without the cooperation of several official, public and international bodies, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the editorial of its Saturday issue titled (With eliminate "Al-Qaeda"), the newspaper revealed that the Saudi security services has recently aborted a plot to revive Al-Qaeda in the country, with support of Al-Qaeda branch in Yemen and the "DAASH" organization in Syrian territory.. “This means that the Al-Qaeda organization is still working and still dreaming to export chaos to most countries.”

"All this, makes supporting Yemen in its war against Al-Qaeda a very necessary and important matter", the Saudi newspaper added.

Earlier this month Saudi Arabia Major General Mansour al-Turki announced the kingdom had managed to avoid a major terror crisis by cracking down on a dangerous terror cell with links to al-Qaeda and Daash.

According to a ministry statement, 62 suspected members of the group - among them three foreigners; a Palestinian, a Yemeni and a Pakistani - were arrested.

Among the Saudi detainees, there are 35 who had previously been detained on security-related allegations and released, it said.

Members of the organization have “links with extremist elements in Syria and Yemen,” it said, adding that authorities are still hunting down 44 others whose names have been submitted to Interpol.

Interior Ministry Spokesman Major General Mansour al-Turki told reporters in Riyadh that the organization has also made “direct” contact with the Islamist State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The group had been targeting “government and foreign interests” and had planned “wide -scale assassinations.”

The statement said “suspicious activities on social networks” had facilitated the arrests, without providing further details.

In a later interview with Al Arabiya News Channel, al-Turki said terrorist cells in the kingdom are increasingly focused on smuggling operations along the southern border with Yemen.

Plotting against the house of Al Saud

According to sources close to the matter, Sheikh al Thani aimed to use public anger to topple the Saudi monarchy, enticing anti-Saudi sentiment through the media to forward his agenda.

The Emir of Qatar is believed to have slammed Jordan and Egypt for being the pawn of Saudi Arabia in the region, "the shame of the Arabs," allegedly noted the Emir when speaking of the two nations.

Al Thani is also believed that have said that since Al-Saud only knew how to rule by stabbing others in the back they would soon taste their own medicine and meet the wrath of Qatar.

 At the time – 2008 according to sources – Al Thani predicted that Al Saud would not survive the next 12 years on the throne.

Saudi, Israeli Intel Chiefs to Share Panel at US Conference

As well as speaking on future plans for peace in the Middle-East, the panel will also discuss Iran's nuclear development plans on May 26. Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki bin Faisal and ex-Zionist Mossad chief Amos Yadlin will be present on the panel, which will be moderated by the Washington Post's David Ignatius. Both country representatives will also discuss their respective security policies.

Suriah Seret Perancis ke Mahkamah Internasional

Utusan permanen Suriah untuk PBB, Bashar Jaafari, menegaskan pada Kamis (22/5) bahwa Pemerintah Suriah telah mengambil sejumlah prosedur untuk menyeret pihak-pihak yang terlibat (bertanggung jawab) dalam pelbagai peristiwa 

di Suriah ke meja hijau.  Al-Jaafari menambahkan, "Kami menyerukan Dewan Keamanan [PBB] untuk menuntut pemerintah Perancis atas kejahatan terhadap rakyat Suriah dan rakyat lain yang negaranya diduduki Perancis, dan 

kami menyerukan kepada pemerintah Perancis untuk meminta maaf dengan jelas atas masa pendudukannya dengan membayar kompensasi pada rakyat Suriah."  Langkah pemerintah Suriah itu langsung diikuti sesi pertemuan PBB 

yang digelar Perancis untuk memvoting rancangan resolusi yang mengacu pada berkas Suriah yang diajukan ke Mahkamah Pidana Internasional (ICC) itu.

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

tugas 11

tugas 11

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Militan Takfiri Saling Bantai, 50 Orang Tewas

Puluhan orang telah tewas dan beberapa lainnya terluka parah setelah bentrokan meletus antara kelompok-kelompok militan asing di Suriah. 

Pada hari Jumat (23/5/14), militan al- Nusra menewaskan sedikitnya 50 militan Negara Islam Irak dan Syam (ISIS) di timur Provinsi Deir al Zour dekat perbatasan dengan Irak. 

Laporan-laporan mengatakan front Al-Nusra telah mengambil alih distrik Shoula dan maju ke daerah lain di provinsi itu. 

Pertikaian telah meningkat dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, pada saat yang sama, tentara Suriah telah berhasil membebaskan sejumlah kota dari kontrol militan asing. 

Bentrokan antara kelompok militan masih terus berlangsung meskipun laporan terbaru oleh pemimpin al-Qaeda Ayman al- Zawahiri mengatakan bahwa pertikaian telah berhasil dihentikan. 

Bentrokan dan konflik serta kekerasan antara kelompok-kelompok bersenjata telah membunuh ribuan militan Takfiri di Suriah.